Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Recruitment for Research Officers in IOCL

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL)
Applications are invited from
Applications are invited in prescribed form from Indian nationals for filling up the following positions at IOCL :

Name Of Post:
Research Officer - Analytical Techniques : 05 posts
Research Officer - Synthetic Chemistry : 03 posts
Research Officer - Bitumen : 02 posts
Research Officer - Petrochemical & Polymers : 01 post
Research Officer/ Sr. Research Officer - Analytical Techniques : 05 posts
Age : 32 years as on 31/03/2011
Pay Scale : Rs. 24900-50500/- (Gr.A) / Rs. 29100 – 54500/- (Gr.B).
How to Apply :
Applicants should submit typed/ computer printed applications strictly in the prescribed format to Chief Human Resource Manager, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Research and Development Centre, Sector 13, Faridabad-121007 (Haryana) only by ordinary post so as to reach latest by 15/04/2011.

Application Fee:
General and OBC applicants are required to send a crossed Demand Draft for Rs. 300/- drawn on State Bank of India, Faridabad (Code 10449) in favour of INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LTD., R&D CENTRE payable at Faridabad. Write name and address on the reverse of Demand Draft.

Further Details:
Last Date:15/04/2011